We all know the importance of diversifying and branching into new markets in order to grow a business. As confectioners, we are afforded the opportunity to introduce new ingredients to our staple products. Today you can find almost anything you can think of covered in chocolate. Nuts lead the way with pretzels, potato chips, popcorn and even bacon as strong contenders. The success of the chocolate covered cherry opened the door for the strawberry, apple, grape and many others fruits as well. Although it is difficult to determine which actually came first in the long line of chocolate covered fruits, the extensions have all proved quite profitable for many candy shops.
Some insightful chocolatiers have even branched into incorporating the hype associate with the “Super Foods” into their chocolate covered line ups. The highly publicized benefits of chocolate and wine have opened up even more avenues, allowing chocolate shops to partner with wineries and wine stores to grow their business. Our most popular product, the Wine Hanger, was born after discussions with a customer working with a hospital on a study using dark chocolate and red wine! Recently, I learned of the latest creative twist for chocolate ~ edible chocolate play dough now marketed by a European company. The opportunities are endless.
Our previous posts have discussed the fact that chocolate is recession proof, heart healthy, mind healthy and of course irresistible, but we still need to continue to come up with creative ways to keep our customers engaged and to command more of their disposable income. Keep the ideas coming and let us know what packaging solutions we can create to deliver your next big idea!
Our previous posts have discussed the fact that chocolate is recession proof, heart healthy, mind healthy and of course irresistible, but we still need to continue to come up with creative ways to keep our customers engaged and to command more of their disposable income. Keep the ideas coming and let us know what packaging solutions we can create to deliver your next big idea!